Elcore Distribution, a specialized distributor of IT solutions, has announced that it entered
into a partnership agreement with CRYPTTECH, a developer of solutions in the field of
Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence in both private and public sectors especially Defense
All distribution activities within the partnership will be conducted in Ukraine, Georgia,
Armenia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Mongolia аnd Turkey.
Having joined the efforts with Elcore Distribution, CRYPTTECH offers clients a full range of
software solutions covering Information Security and Intelligence, Risk Evaluation,
Vulnerability Recognition against Cyber-Attacks and APTs, deriving actionable Security
Regulations, Compliance Solutions and Big Data. Some of its Research and Development
are expected to change market dynamics such as C-SIM – a security information and event
management software solution but very different than other SIEM products. It doesn’t have
correlation rules. It functions fully with AI capabilities and the product learns itself. It reaches
to a mature level the more it is fed with information. Another big hit would be Cyberdroid. It
works with neuromorphic computation with AI features and it is aiming to replace technical
support, test, cyber weapon and many types of engineers onsite. CRYPTTECH already has
published patents and have the name rights of Cyberdroid in Turkey, USA, UK and EU.
CRYPTTECH was established in 2006 and has launched its first product in 2008. CRYPTTECH, continues to
develop new technologies and solutions in the field of Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence in Istanbul
Yıldız Technical University Technology Development Zone and in Ankara Hacettepe University Technology
Development Zone. CRYPTTECH products and technologies are being used in private and public institutions
and organizations in more than 1000 large-scale enterprises and over 3000 SMEs.
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